Integration Suggestion
1. Authentication
- Is a digital certificate being used for the connection?
- Is the token expiration time being observed?
- Has a caching strategy been developed for token use within the validity period?
- Does the caching strategy comply with the architecture of the platform being integrated (e.g., distributed architecture with multiple instances)?
- Has token security been taken into account?
- Are appropriate measures in place to handle possible authentication failures?
2. Webhook
- Is the callback URL operating exclusively over the HTTPS protocol?
- Have measures been defined to mitigate a potential DoS attack directed at the callback URL?
- Are failures in the process being properly handled and reported?
- Is there a monitoring and logging strategy in place?
3. Charges and Payments
- Is the authorization token being retrieved from the cache?
- Is a digital certificate being used for the connection?
- Is the charge/payment status being validated?
- Is the txId/e2eId being stored as a means of association?
4. Queries
- Is the authorization token being retrieved from the cache?
- Is a digital certificate being used for the connection?
- Is there a refund in the transaction being queried?
- Is the payment amount being validated?
5. Compliance
- Is the token limit being respected?
- Is the number of operations per minute within the expected range?
- Is the number of Pix operation queries equal to the number of charges created?
Updated 4 months ago
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