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CPF (Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas) is a tax identification number used in Brazil for individuals. It is like a personal tax ID that every Brazilian citizen or foreign resident must have.
It is used for various purposes, including financial transactions, opening bank accounts, paying taxes, and more. Example: 268.211.520-98
JSON Format: 26821152098
Format Validation: ^[0-9]{11}$
CNPJ (Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica) is a tax identification number used in Brazil for companies and other legal entities. It is like CPF but for businesses. Every registered company in Brazil must have a CNPJ, which is used for commercial purposes such as opening bank accounts, issuing invoices, paying taxes, hiring employees, among others. Example: 58.255.572/0001-00
JSON Format: 58255572000100
Format Validation: ^[0-9]{14}$
Chave Pix
Chave Pix is like a "unique address" you can use to receive instant payments in Brazil quickly and easily. This key acts as a unique identifier linked to your bank account in Brazil. Even if you are in the USA, you can have a Brazilian bank account and use Pix. The Chave Pix can be associated with various types of information, such as CPF/CNPJ, phone number, email, or even a random key generated by the system. This variety allows you to choose the most convenient way to receive payments without needing to share sensitive banking information, like bank account and branch numbers. When someone makes a transfer to you, you simply provide your Chave Pix, whether it's CPF/CNPJ, phone, email, or random key. This greatly simplifies the payment process, as it eliminates the need to fill in various banking details, as was required previously.
Type of Pix Key | Description | Format Validation |
CPF | Tax identification number | ^[0-9]{11}$ |
CNPJ | Tax number of the business | ^[0-9]{14}$ |
Phone Number | Phone number | ^\+[1-9][0-9]\\d{14}$ |
Email address | ^[a-z0-9.!#$&'*+\/=?^_ {|}~-]+@a-z0-9?(?:.a-z0-9?)*$` | |
EVP (Random Key) | Random key (generated by the Central Bank of Brazil) | [0-9a-f]8-[0-9a-f]4-[0-9a-f]4-[0-9a-f]4-[0-9a-f]12$ |
This identifier serves to uniquely identify a specific charge. Therefore, the txid is used by the recipient user in their reconciliation processes of payments received via Pix. This identifier can be automatically generated by the Pagstar API (only for immediate charges) or can be provided by the partner. In this case, the partner must ensure that the txId value is unique for the receiver (CPF/CNPJ).
The txid must have a minimum length of 26 characters and a maximum length of 35 characters. The accepted characters in this context are: A-Z, a-z, 0-9.
Format Validation: ^[A-Za-z0-9]{35}$
Charge Status
The "status" field represents the status of the immediate payment charge and can assume the following states:
- ACTIVE: This status indicates that the Pix charge is active and available for payment. The charge is in progress and can be fulfilled by the payer.
- COMPLETED (final status): This status means that the Pix charge has been successfully completed. The payment transaction associated with the charge has been executed, and the funds have been transferred from the payer to the recipient.
- REMOVED_BY_RECIPIENT (final status): This status indicates that the Pix charge was withdrawn or canceled by the recipient user (who requested the payment). This action can be initiated by the recipient for various reasons, such as canceling the transaction, needing to modify payment details, or other administrative reasons.
- REMOVED_BY_PSP (final status): This status means that the Pix charge was withdrawn or canceled by Pagstar Finance. The removal of the charge by Pagstar Finance may occur for compliance reasons, technical issues, or other operational considerations (such as when expired, for example).
E2e (endToEndId)
The endToEndId (e2e) identification is a crucial component that ensures the traceability and integrity of the transaction. It is a unique identifier assigned to each payment transaction, allowing end-to-end tracking from the payer to the beneficiary. This identifier remains constant throughout the transaction's life cycle, from initiation to completion, and serves as a reference point for reconciliation and dispute resolution.
The endToEndId is typically generated by the initiating party and included in the payment instruction. It may consist of various data elements, such as a combination of alphanumeric characters, transaction reference numbers, or any other identifiers specified by the payment system. This ID helps differentiate one transaction from another and prevents duplication or misinterpretation.
Additionally, the endToEndId plays a crucial role in maintaining the integrity and security of transactions. It ensures that the payment reaches the intended recipient without alteration or interception by unauthorized parties. By including this identifier, both the sender and the recipient can verify the authenticity of the transaction and reconcile it with their respective records.
Overall, the endToEndId in the Pix payment facilitates efficient transaction processing, increases transparency, and strengthens security measures, contributing to a reliable and continuous payment ecosystem.
Updated 4 months ago